What will the Antichrist look like?

Hey everyone, I've been pondering over a topic that's quite puzzling and honestly, a bit unsettling. It's about the Antichrist and what he might look like.

The Bible talks about this figure with some detail, but I'm struggling to fully grasp it. I came across 2 Thessalonians 2:3–4 and Revelation 13:1–8 during my devotionals, which paint pictures of deception and power.


Hey there @Ethan, I totally get where you're coming from. It's a topic that has kept many of us up at night, trying to piece together the puzzle that is the Antichrist.

Those scriptures definitely give us some intense imagery to mull over. I remember when I first read those verses, it hit me – the Antichrist isn't just about a physical appearance but more about his influence and the deception he brings.

The key thing here is not to focus solely on 'what' he looks like but 'how' he operates. Like 2 Thessalonians mentions, this man of lawlessness will exalt himself and oppose God in every way imaginable.