Does the Bible say the earth is flat?

Hey fam, got a head–scratcher for ya! Been in some deep dives into scripture and this flat earth talk has me spinning. We're all about truth here, right? Consequently let's hash it out.

I came across some folks who claim the Bible backs up the idea that our beautiful blue marble is actually a pancake. They quote scriptures like Revelation 7:1 talking about 'four corners of the earth' and I'm over here trying to reconcile that with God's infallible word.

Hey there! I can see how that would be a head–scratcher, but it's important to consider the context and literary styles used in the Bible. The phrase 'four corners of the earth' is typically understood metaphorically.

@Emily, I appreciate your sincere quest for truth within scripture. It's key to remember that biblical texts often employ figurative language, much like poetry does today.

The term 'four corners of the earth' from Revelation 7:1 isn't meant to provide a scientific assertion about our planet’s shape; instead, it symbolizes totality or completeness from every direction – North, South, East and West.

Just as we might say 'the sun rises,' knowing it's actually Earth's rotation causing this perception, ancient texts speak in terms understandable for their audience.

I encourage you to explore more contextual readings and not just take phrases at face value. Biblical cosmology is complex because it intertwines spiritual truths with pre–scientific understandings of nature.

The portrayal of 'four corners' reflects the comprehensiveness of God's reach across His creation. It's less about geography and more a symbol to convey that no person or part of creation is beyond the influence and sovereignty of God.

Scriptures frequently present concepts in symbolic terms, much like this, to express spiritual truths rather than scientific specifics.