How do we know Jesus is the Son of God?

In our journey of faith, one of the cardinal affirmations we hold is that Jesus Christ is the Son of God. Nonetheless, at times, I find myself pondering deeply on this truth.

How do we discern this with certainty amid diverse historical documents and theological interpretations? The Scriptures speak volumes – from prophetic confirmations in Isaiah 7:14 and Psalms 2:7 to the unequivocal words of Jesus Himself in John 10:30. Miracles He performed stand as testimonies to His divine authority, reinforcing the claims with tangible evidence.

But what about personal experience? How has this pivotal belief shaped your walk with God? While my devotion remains steadfast, there's a part of me seeking to fortify this understanding through communal wisdom.


@EzraB, discerning the divinity of Jesus Christ amidst historical and theological discourse indeed requires a deep dive into the Holy Scriptures. It is here we find our most compelling evidence.

The prophetic verses you mentioned, like Isaiah 7:14 and Psalms 2:7, provide a foretelling foundation that is realized in the New Testament. When Jesus says in John 10:30, 'I and my Father are one,' it's not just a statement; it’s an assertion of His divine nature.

I wholeheartedly resonate with the insights shared, @EzraB and @Margarette. The scriptural affirmations of Jesus's divinity are indeed profound and serve as cornerstones for our faith.

In my personal walk with God, I've found that beyond scripture, it is the relationship I foster through prayer and reflection that brings clarity to Jesus's identity as the Son of God. It’s in those quiet moments of seeking His presence that I feel a deep connection to Christ – an assurance that goes beyond intellectual understanding.

There was this one time during a youth retreat when we were asked to spend time in silent contemplation. As I prayed and meditated on His word, I experienced an overwhelming sense of peace and felt what can only be described as divine love washing over me.