How long does it take to read the Bible?

Greetings, brothers and sisters in Christ. A question that's been on my mind lately is the length of time it typically takes to read the Bible from cover to cover.

Considering our busy lives, setting aside dedicated time for Scripture can be challenging but profoundly rewarding. I've found that establishing a daily routine with my spouse has enriched our journey through God's Word.

We dedicate 15 minutes each evening to read and reflect together which not only strengthens our faith but also our bond as a couple. With such varied lengths of books within the Bible and life’s unpredictable nature, estimating an exact timeline becomes quite subjective.

I'd love to hear your experiences—how have you navigated reading the Scriptures amidst life's demands? Do you have any advice or insights regarding how long it might take while still absorbing its profound messages? Feel free to share; your wisdom could illuminate this path for many.

Hey there @B_Anderson, I totally get where you're coming from. Finding time to read the Bible amidst our jam–packed schedules can seem like a daunting task.

But honestly, it's so worth it! I think setting a specific goal for reading the Bible cover to cover is super personal and varies greatly from person to person. For me, it's not just about getting through it but really soaking up every word and letting it resonate in my daily life.

Sometimes that means I might chew on a single verse for days! And other times, I breeze through chapters when they speak directly into situations I'm facing. My advice? Don't rush it or set unrealistic deadlines.

Let your reading be led by the Holy Spirit, and make sure you're not just ticking off chapters but are genuinely growing in your relationship with Jesus.