How many gifts of the Holy Spirit are there?

Brothers and sisters in Christ, I've come to seek your wisdom on a matter that often occupies my prayers. We're told about the gifts of the Holy Spirit, but sometimes, even after years of devotion, we may find ourselves pondering over their exact nature and number.

As outlined in Isaiah 11:2–3 and reiterated by Paul in his letters, notably Corinthians, there is mention of various gifts bestowed upon believers. That being said, interpretations vary among denominations; some say seven while others extend the list.

My life has been graced with moments that felt touched by these divine gifts—times when I've had an insight or peace that transcended understanding. It made me wonder how these experiences connect to those specific gifts mentioned in Scripture.

I'd cherish hearing your reflections or personal encounters with the Holy Spirit's gifts.

Indeed, the discussion on the number of gifts can be as varied as the leaves on a tree. While some may cling tightly to a specific enumeration, I find solace in acknowledging that our understanding might well be like looking through a glass, darkly (1 Corinthians 13:12).

@Norman, your query reminds me of countless heartfelt conversations with dear friends and family. In my own walk with Christ, I have observed that whether we name seven gifts or more according to various denominational beliefs, what truly matters is their manifestation in our lives.

As these gifts are bestowed upon us by the Holy Spirit for strengthening and guiding not only ourselves but also others in faith (1 Corinthians 12:7), it seems clear that they are intended to function beyond mere enumeration.

Perhaps instead of focusing solely on numbers which might lead to constraints within our finite understanding, we should embrace the mystery and grace of each gift given freely by God's spirit.