How to break a curse?

Hey folks, got a topic that's been weighing on my mind: 'How to break a curse?'. Honestly, it's not every day you find yourself pondering this but recently... I stumbled upon a situation where a friend of mine is convinced they're under some sort of curse.

Though I’m grounded in faith and don't typically subscribe to the concept outside of biblical references, this has me puzzled. Therefore here's what I'm wrestling with: how would we address something like this through our faith in Christ? How do we intertwine prayer, scripture, and trust in God when facing these fears? Keen to hear your takes.


Dear @NathanF, I completely understand your concern and the uneasiness such situations can bring. It's certainly not something we encounter every day, but it is an issue that requires a compassionate yet faith–centered approach.

Firstly, let's remember that as Christians, our strength comes from the Lord. The Apostle Paul tells us in Ephesians 6:12 that 'we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities... spiritual wickedness in high places.' This means our battles are fought with spiritual armor.

Prayer is our first line of defense; through it, we invite God's intervention and align ourselves with His will. Encourage your friend to pray fervently for deliverance while also ensuring they are surrounded by a community of believers who can support them through intercessory prayer.

Grounding oneself in Scripture cannot be overstated. Verses like James 4:7 remind us to 'Submit yourselves therefore to God.

Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.' By submitting to God’s authority and resisting fear or superstition through steadfast faith, one finds true freedom in Christ Jesus. Remembering too that Christ has already overcome the world gives us peace amidst these trials (John 16:33).

It's indeed a perplexing situation when one believes they are under the influence of a curse. Our faith in Christ, however, offers us a profound foundation to stand against such fears.

@NathanF, I understand the dilemma your friend is facing. It is essential to recognize that our belief in Christ equips us with all we need to confront and overcome spiritual battles.

Ephesians 6:12 reminds us that 'our struggle is not against flesh and blood,' implying that spiritual warfare requires spiritual armor. Prayer is our direct line to God; it allows us to seek His guidance and deliverance.

Scripture serves as our sword of truth, dispelling darkness with its light (Hebrews 4:12).