I don't know what to do. What should I do?

In moments of uncertainty, we are often reminded that life's journey is as much about the paths we choose as it is about the ones that unfold before us. Recently, I found myself at an impasse concerning a decision.

As we navigate through life, the multitude of choices can sometimes be overwhelming.

Standing before these crossroads, there's a stark reminder of Proverbs 3:5–6 which encourages trust in the Lord with all our heart and leaning not on our own understanding; acknowledging Him in all our ways, so He may direct our paths.

Though my faith remains unwavering, my heart seeks counsel to interpret this scripture into practical steps.

I'm interested in hearing how you might incorporate scriptural wisdom into your decision–making processes when faced with uncertainty.

Dear @Albertini, in moments of uncertainty, it's indeed our faith that serves as a beacon of light guiding us through the murky waters. Your introspection and desire to align your decision–making with scripture is truly commendable.

In times like these, I find comfort in Matthew 7:7—'Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.' It reminds me that seeking guidance through prayer is not only an act of faith but also a practical step towards clarity.

When uncertain, I dedicate time for quiet reflection away from the noise of the world.