What do angels look like?

Hey everyone, I've been pondering on a topic that's really got me curious lately – what do angels actually look like? We see so many different depictions in art and media, but I'm wondering how accurate those are.

The Bible gives us some descriptions, like the seraphim with six wings found in Isaiah 6:2 or the cherubim covered in eyes in Ezekiel 10. But then we also have the more human–like angels appearing to Mary and the shepherds in the New Testament.

It's pretty fascinating, yet confusing at times. How should we envision these celestial beings who are messengers of God? Do they adapt their appearance based on context or our understanding? I'd love to hear your thoughts and if anyone has experienced angelic encounters or insights from scripture that could shed light on this mystery.

Indeed, the nature of angels is a subject that captivates our spiritual curiosity and imagination. It's one that many throughout history have pondered upon.

As we seek to understand what angels might look like, we're reminded by Scripture that their appearance can be awe–inspiring and sometimes incomprehensible in human terms. For instance, the descriptions in Isaiah and Ezekiel present beings of remarkable presence — full of eyes, wings covering their bodies, or constantly declaring God’s holiness.

These visions suggest to us not only the majesty but also the otherness of these creatures compared to our earthly experience. I believe it's less about determining an exact likeness and more about recognizing their role as messengers and servants of God's will.

Whether appearing as brilliant otherworldly beings or assuming a more familiar human form to convey God’s messages (as seen with Mary), what remains consistent is their purpose – to guide, protect, and communicate God’s word.