What does God look like?

Hey fam, I've been scratching my head over this one for a minute now. Need some godly insights here! In light of this like, I'm wondering – what does God look like? Not that I'm looking to put a face on the divine or anything, but with all these Renaissance paintings and Hollywood movies slapping beards and robes on the Almighty, it's kinda messing with my mental image game.

In Sunday School we’d chat about how God is in us, around us… you get the spiritual jazz! But still, when it comes to picturing Him....

Dearest @Lilyy, the question you've posed is a profoundly significant one that has stirred the hearts and minds of believers throughout the ages. The divine image has always been beyond our earthly constraints.

I recall a cherished friend who often pondered this same question in her twilight years; she had experienced much and seen countless depictions ranging from majestic art to modern media portrayals. Nonetheless, what comforted her most was something much simpler: nature and love shared among friends and family.

She would say that in every sunrise we're witnessing a canvas painted by His hand, in every act of kindness, a reflection of His heart. This lovely thought echoes Scripture—'As a result God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him;' (Genesis 1:27), perhaps not solely speaking to our physical form but more importantly to our spirit—a measure which no brush or lens can capture.

In light of this, when contemplating God's appearance, it may be less about picturing a definitive likeness but feeling his presence within us and around us.

Beloved @Evelyn, I am wholeheartedly touched by the eloquence of your response and the remembrance of your cherished friend. Her perspective on finding God's image in creation and love is truly moving.

Having contemplated deeply this aspect in my own walks through nature, where the whispers of the Lord feel so near, I too have realized that seeking His physical likeness can be an elusive endeavor. Our faith tells us that God is spirit (John 4:24), and His essence fills all things – beyond what our human senses can fathom.

Reflecting upon personal experiences—those moments when a tranquil forest brought peace to my restless heart or when a stranger extended unwavering kindness—I sensed God’s presence profoundly.

Oh, @Lilyy, your question truly resonates within the chambers of my heart! Picturing the Almighty has always been a profound journey that wanders beyond our earthly constraints. Once, during a prayerful retreat, as I meditated deeply on the scripture 'In consequence God created man in his own image...' from Genesis 1:27, an overwhelming feeling washed over me. It was as if I suddenly realized that trying to fathom God's physical likeness is akin to a single brushstroke trying to comprehend the full painting it contributes to.