What does the Bible say about modern-day prophets?

Hey folks, I've been grappling with something and needed to share. We've got a lot of voices out there claiming prophetic authority, and I'm trying to square that with Scripture.

Accordingly here's the million–dollar question: What does the Bible say about modern–day prophets? Now, we all know about the Old Testament prophets who brought God's messages to His people and those dynamite visions in Daniel and Revelation.

And sure, Acts mentions prophesy as one of the spiritual gifts – but how do we discern the real deal from a false prophet today? Does 'Thessalonians' talk about testing them actually apply nowadays? How can we be so certain if someone is truly speaking on behalf of our King? Would love to get your thoughts and wisdom on this because it's been bouncing around my head during prayer lately.

Greetings, it's certainly a thought–provoking question you've raised about modern–day prophets. The discussion of prophetic gifts in the contemporary Christian community is indeed complex and deserves careful consideration.

The Bible provides us with guidance for discerning true prophecy, even in our time. 1 Thessalonians 5:20–21 instructs us not to despise prophecies but to test everything and hold fast to what is good.

This suggests an ongoing presence of prophetic gifts but also the necessity for discernment. Matthew 7:15–20 warns us about false prophets and advises that we shall recognize them by their fruits.

It becomes crucial then to observe whether those claiming prophetic authority are exhibiting Christ–like character and if their messages align with Scriptural truth. While the gift of prophecy may still be at work today as per Acts 2:17, we must exercise vigilant scrutiny guided by Scripture and prayerful wisdom.