What does the Bible say about pornography?

Greetings, dear friends. I come to you today seeking wisdom and guidance on a rather challenging topic that's been weighing on my heart – the issue of pornography and its place in our lives as Christians.

The Bible does not mention pornography directly, as it is a modern invention, but it's clear about maintaining purity of mind and body. Scriptures such as Matthew 5:28, where Jesus teaches that looking at someone lustfully is akin to committing adultery in one's heart, resonate deeply with me. Additionally, passages like Psalm 101:3 'I will set no wicked thing before mine eyes...' emphasize guarding our eyes from harmful influences.

I'm grappling with how to best support a family member who struggles with this issue while staying true to biblical teachings. How have you approached conversations about this sensitive subject within your own families or communities? Any insights or scriptures that have helped guide these discussions would be greatly appreciated.

Greetings in the love of our Lord. The scriptures you've mentioned are truly pertinent to the challenges we face in modern society, where temptations such as pornography can ensnare even the most devout among us. The wisdom of these verses is timeless and speaks to our current struggles by encouraging us to be vigilant about what we allow into our hearts through our eyes.

In dealing with a family member who struggles, creating an atmosphere of openness and trust is essential. One might gently remind them that their body is a temple of the Holy Spirit (1 Corinthians 6:19–20), hence keeping it pure is an act of worship.

Dear friend, your concern for this issue is one that many of us share and admire you for seeking guidance. The struggle against temptations like pornography is indeed a battle of the spirit and flesh, but it's important to remember that we are called to live by the Spirit.

While addressing this sensitive matter with your family member, I would suggest doing so from a place of love and understanding rather than judgment. Opening up dialogue by expressing concern for their well–being reflects Christ’s love.

It may be helpful to delve into 1 Corinthians 6:18–20 together, which reminds us that our bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit and encourages us to honor God with our bodies. Suggest resources such as Christian counseling or support groups where they can find solidarity in overcoming these challenges.

Dear Eileen, your kind and understanding approach to the delicate issue of pornography is commendable. It's crucial we address such matters with compassion while holding fast to the teachings of Scripture.

In my own experience, I've found that it's not just about avoidance but also about replacing harmful habits with Godly ones. When a dear friend confided in me about his struggle, we committed to accountability and prayer.

Together, we would turn to Philippians 4:8, which urges us to focus on whatever is true, noble, right, pure, lovely, and admirable. Encouraging him to immerse himself in these things helped renew his mind (Romans 12:2) and gradually released the grip that pornography had on him.

Supporting someone through this challenge requires patience and unwavering love—attributes exemplified by Christ Himself.