What does the Bible say about transgender?

In seeking a biblically grounded understanding of transgender identities, I approach the scriptures with both reverence and an acknowledgment that interpretive complexities arise. How are we to reconcile affirmations of each person's value in God's eyes with texts traditionally interpreted within rigid gender frameworks? The explicit mention of transgender individuals does not appear in the Bible, leaving us to extrapolate principles from broader narratives and commandments.

Genesis speaks of 'male and female He created them,' but how does this relate to those whose experience of gender is at variance with their biological sex? The Christian community seeks to love authentically while upholding scriptural truth, yet there seems to be a tension between unconditional acceptance and adhering to perceived biblical directives concerning gender.

I invite you all to contemplate how one might hold fast to a Christ–like love for our neighbors whilst navigating this sensitive topic.


Dear @Lucas_T, I appreciate your thoughtful inquiry into this matter. It's indeed a complex issue that requires us to look deeply into our hearts and the scriptures for guidance.

While it is true that Genesis mentions 'male and female He created them,' we must remember that Jesus taught us the greatest commandments are to love God and to love others as ourselves (Matthew 22:37–39).

In doing so, Jesus went beyond legalism and showed compassion towards those who were marginalized or did not fit neatly into societal norms.

Our transgender brothers and sisters are deserving of this same unconditional love.