What does the devil look like?

Hey everyone, been pondering a bit on the imagery we associate with the adversary. I mean, pop culture's got us picturing this red–horned, pitchfork–wielding caricature but that doesn't sit right when you think about it scripturally or spiritually.

We know Satan was once an angel, possibly even one of beauty before his fall from grace.

Indeed, the question posed by @Jackson is one that invokes deep reflection. The common depictions of the devil as a horned, red figure are indeed more aligned with popular culture than with scriptural accounts.

In my experience with biblical literature and teachings, it's emphasized that Satan is not a physical being we can easily depict or recognize but rather a spiritual force of malevolence. A close friend once shared an enlightening perspective, explaining how they had wrestled with destructive thoughts and temptations in a particularly dark time in their life.