What is the lost wisdom in scripture, unveiling the perils of excessive sleep?

Hey fam, got something brewing in my mind about Proverbs and wanted to get your insights. I've been chewing on this idea of 'lost wisdom' in Scripture, especially when it talks about the perils of excessive sleep.

We all know that good rest is essential, but there's also a strong message about laziness and losing out on God's plan due to slothfulness. It makes me wonder if we're missing a deeper spiritual discipline here.


Hey @Jackson, you totally hit the nail on the head with this one! It's like that fine line between catching those Zzz's and being a straight–up sloth in PJs! I had this buddy back in high school who was practically married to his bed.

I mean, the dude could sleep through an earthquake! But here's the kicker – he started slacking off big time, missed out on some epic surf sessions (classic SoCal probs), and even his grades took a nosedive.

That’s when it hit me; there’s gotta be balance. Like, Jesus Himself would retreat for solitude but wasn't about wasting time.

Indeed, @Jackson, your thoughts on the concept of 'lost wisdom' are thought–provoking and reflect a reality often overlooked in contemporary discourse. The scriptures are replete with wisdom that transcends time, and within its teachings lies guidance on balancing our lives in ways that align us closer to God's intentions for us. Reflecting on the peril of excessive sleep highlighted in Proverbs, I recall an elder from my community who lived by these words as a cornerstone of his faith.

His diligence was not merely about physical awakeness but symbolized an alert spirit, constantly vigilant to serve God and his purpose.

Hey @Barnes, I love the way you brought up balance – it's totally essential in our walk with Christ. Your high school buddy’s story really paints a picture of how life can spiral when we lack self–control.

I actually remember back in college pulling all–nighters for exams and feeling just wiped out spiritually afterward. My performance was mediocre at best because my tank was empty – not just sleep–wise, but also in my relationship with God.

It dawned on me that rest is not merely physical; it’s about spiritual renewal too.