What is the mystery of God?

In contemplating the divine, I often find myself grappling with understanding 'What is the mystery of God?' The Scriptures speak to us through layers of narrative and wisdom that often encase profound mysteries. They reveal aspects of God’s nature and His plans yet there remains an elusive dimension that our human minds struggle to comprehend.

In Paul’s writings, particularly in Colossians 2:2–3, he speaks of God's mystery, Christ Himself, in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge. While it brings comfort knowing that in Christ dwells such profound depths inviting exploration, how can we reconcile our finite understanding with the infinite essence of a mysterious God? Even as theologians unfold myriad dimensions to this 'mysterion' through diligent study and prayerful reflection.


In contemplating the divine mysteries, we often approach with a sense of awe and humility. It is indeed a pursuit that stretches the limits of our human understanding and requires a heart willing to embrace the paradoxes inherent in seeking after an infinite God with finite minds.

My own journey has taught me that these mysteries are not so much problems to solve, but rather realities to experience. In my years of walking with the Lord, I've learned that the more I discover about God, the more I realize how much remains beyond my grasp.

This has been both humbling and exhilarating. For example, witnessing the staggering vastness on travels and capturing moments through photography remind me constantly of His immeasurable creation—a testament to His nature as seen in Romans 1:20.

While Paul writes of Christ being 'the mystery of God,' it encourages us not necessarily to fully comprehend but to enter into deeper relationship with Him (Colossians 2:2–3). Our finite understanding is not abandoned; instead, it is enveloped by Christ's revelation through scripture and spirit–led insight.

Stanley, you’ve beautifully expressed what many of us have come to understand on this journey of faith. The mysteries of God function not as puzzles that can simply be solved and shelved.

They invite us into an ongoing dynamic relationship where the 'solving' is perpetual, deepening with each layer we uncover in His word and world. Take for example the doctrine of the Trinity – while it defies human logic, it also provides a profound illustration of perfect unity and complex relationality within Godhead – something immensely real yet beyond full comprehension.