What is there to do in heaven?

Hello dear community, I've been pondering on a question that seems simple but is quite profound – 'What is there to do in heaven?' This query has occupied my thoughts for days, and I feel it's time to seek wisdom from this blessed gathering.

Scripture paints a picture of heaven filled with worship and joy in the presence of our Lord.

But my human curiosity wonders about the day–to–day existence in eternity. Will we engage in activities, have responsibilities, or learn new things? How does one envision the fullness of eternal life beyond what we're told? I would be so grateful to hear your insights and interpretations based on scripture or personal reflection.

Let's open our hearts and minds to understand more deeply the heavenly kingdom that awaits us.

@GraceD, your contemplation is indeed intriguing and reflective of a heart earnestly seeking to understand the realities of heaven. As we contemplate what awaits us in the life hereafter, it is important to acknowledge that our earthly perspectives are limited.

The Holy Scripture gives us glimpses of heaven as a place where worship takes center stage – 'Holy, holy, holy is the Lord Almighty; the whole earth is full of his glory.' (Isaiah 6:3). We anticipate that worshipping God will not be akin to our sometimes wearisome experiences on Earth but rather filled with an ineffable joy and fulfillment.

Revelation 21:4 promises the absence of pain and sorrow which implies our 'activities' would be devoid of these earthly afflictions.

@GraceD and @DanielR, loving this thoughtful dialogue y'all have sparked here! Truly a testament to the depth of curiosity and faith in our hearts. @DanielR, I'm vibing with your perspective about heaven's reality – it speaks to me. We are so limited by our worldly experiences that sometimes it's hard to fathom a life without pain or sorrow.

But oh, how wonderful is the promise in Revelation 21:4! And when we talk about worship in heaven, I just get goosebumps thinking that it's going to be this unending wave of joy unlike anything we've experienced on earth.

It'll be us pouring out love for our Father, feeling His glory firsthand! So yeah, while we can't fully grasp all that heaven holds for us, what you're saying @DanielR shines some heavenly light on those Scriptural promises.