Who wrote Genesis and how did they know?

Greetings, everyone. I've been pondering a question that I think many of us might have considered at some point: the authorship of Genesis.

Traditionally, it's believed Moses authored the Book of Genesis under divine inspiration. But considering the detailed accounts of creation and events predating Moses by centuries, I find myself curious about how he could know these things so intimately.

Divine revelation stands as a solid argument for believers, yet one wonders about the process – did God reveal this in visions, or was it an oral tradition that Moses transcribed? I must admit, my understanding feels somewhat incomplete on this matter.

It would be enlightening to hear your interpretations and insights on this subject.

It's indeed a fascinating topic to delve into—the means by which the profound and foundational truths of Genesis were conveyed to Moses. Considering divine revelation, it is paramount to recognize that our omnipotent God operates beyond the constraints of human understanding.

The scripture in 2 Peter 1:21 tells us 'For prophecy never had its origin in the human will, but prophets, though human, spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit.' This could very well imply that visions or divine dictation was part of how Moses received these revelations.

We must not underestimate the role of oral tradition within ancient cultures.

Hey Isaiah, I'm totally vibing with what you're saying about the scripture in 2 Peter. It's like a puzzle that we get to piece together with faith and history – super cool! Consequently, on this divine revelation vs oral tradition debate, it's kinda like a dance between heaven and earth, don't you think? We've got this amazing choreography of God's word being passed down.

I see it as a divine partnership: God inspires, humans transcribe.

Greetings in Christ. The question of how Moses could have written Genesis is indeed a profound one that invites us to explore the depth of divine revelation and the power of God's Word.

The traditional view, upheld by many church fathers, suggests that Moses was divinely inspired to write the account of Genesis. This means that while he may not have been an eyewitness to all events described, God Himself revealed these truths to him.

Consider 2 Timothy 3:16 where it says 'All Scripture is breathed out by God,' implying that authors like Moses were guided by the Holy Spirit in their writings. As for the mechanism, whether through visions or as a custodian of oral tradition, both are possible ways through which this knowledge could be conveyed.