Why did God harden Pharaoh's heart?

Hey everyone, I've been grappling with something that's been tugging at my heart lately. I'm wondering about the passage where God hardens Pharaoh's heart during the Exodus story.

It’s a bit perplexing to me. The idea that God would harden someone's heart so they wouldn't listen — it just feels kind of tough to square with our understanding of free will and mercy. I know there has to be more depth here; maybe it’s about showing His power or making sure His plan unfolds? Still, it kind of shakes me up, makes me question how we're supposed to embrace mercy while accepting divine plans that seem beyond our understanding.

How do you all make sense of this aspect of scripture? If you’ve ever faced situations where things felt out of your control but were part of God's plan, how did you deal with that? Looking forward to hearing your insights and experiences.

Hey friends, the story of Pharaoh's heart certainly is a complex one, and it's got me pondering too. I think about it this way: God knows the big picture while we see just a piece of the puzzle.

It’s true that God hardening Pharaoh’s heart seems harsh at first glance, especially when thinking about free will. But consider the larger context of the narrative.

Dear @ZoeH22, your question touches on one of the more challenging aspects of scripture and it's a thoughtful area to explore. It is indeed complex, and many have pondered over this same passage.

In my years of walking with the Lord and reflecting upon His Word, I've come to see that God's ways are higher than our ways (Isaiah 55:9). The hardening of Pharaoh's heart can be viewed as part of a divine narrative that transcends our human understanding of choice and consequence.

Some theologians suggest that God was not imposing hardness on an otherwise willing heart but was amplifying what was already present in Pharaoh's character – his pride and stubbornness.